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Header MDM e gestão de pessoas

Understand how MDM can be useful for productivity and people management

Digital transformation provides great opportunities for companies to achieve increasingly expressive performance In this case, the Human Resources sector is crucial since it needs to come up with solutions to improve employee performance.

Companies are currently placing their bets on smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices to boost team productivity and mobility. After all, this is essential to providing a more qualified and agile service as well as performing work outside the office more effectively — these aspects are getting more and more important for success in the business world. To manage mobile devices, it is required to use Mobile Device Management (MDM) software.

Check out some of the characteristics of MDM and learn how this feature can contribute to dynamizing the activities of the Human Resources sector.

What is MDM

It is a solution aimed at managing mobile devices. In other words, a tool that gives managers a wider perspective on productivity and the outcomes produced by corporate devices.

Mobile Device Management makes it easy to monitor device performance data and set up the device to only access information that is pertinent to professional activity.

Another advantage is to allow smartphones and tablets to be customized to meet the needs of the business, with the installation of apps that are really vital for the good performance of employees. This can all be customized and managed remotely and in large quantities.

For leaders to accurately monitor the team’s work, it is essential to have efficient mechanisms for managing corporate cell phones. It is important to note that MDM can only be applied to corporate devices, and cannot be installed on employees’ personal equipment.

The tool uses two software to handle the devices efficiently. The first is the agent, a program set up on mobile devices owned by the company. The second consists of the administration tool accessed through the internet through a browser, where settings are made and where the functionality of the devices used by the business is checked, as well as updates to work applications.

Advantages of MDM for HR

To maximize their financial gains, several firms make investing in the target area a top priority. On the other hand, it’s important to concentrate on enhancing the work of the Human Resources Department to both inspire personnel in this area and create a more supportive environment for the company’s ongoing improvement across all segments.

As a result, we will highlight the advantages the MDM solution offers for HR when it is integrated following market best practices. Follow up!

Process optimization

These duties can be accomplished considerably more easily by having a modern solution that is aware of the needs of the industry. As a result, these tasks don’t require a lot of staff time and may be completed fast.

Engaging the HR personnel by improving their working conditions is a very positive form of engagement. And with these employees properly motivated, it becomes much more viable to promote actions aimed at greater identification of employees with the company’s values.

Greater focus on strategy

As a result of the MDM solution’s significant reduction in time spent on tasks that do not contribute to the company’s strategic goals, it is possible to foster an environment that encourages HR to adopt measures in search of more expressive results.

Employees in human resources might, for instance, develop methods to enhance the hiring process, which is crucial to improving the organization’s capacity to draw in fresh talent, by worrying less about performing bureaucratic tasks.

In a more favorable setting for the strategic focus, HR can still participate in initiatives that raise employee satisfaction levels, a factor that significantly enhances the company’s reputation among stakeholders.

There is no doubt that improving the working conditions of Human Resources provides considerable gains for the company globally. This point cannot be ignored by managers under any circumstances.

More effective control of work

One of the great difficulties faced by HR encompasses managing the journey of employees who work remotely. The ability to specify the hours that the company’s electronic devices may be utilized is one of the primary functions of the MDM solution.

The human resources department can make sure that productivity is restricted to each employee’s scheduled working hours in this way. This strategy reduces overtime-related labor responsibilities. Additionally, it assures the employee that using the business gadget won’t lead to exhaustion, such as with calls outside working hours.

In addition, it avoids costs related to labor claims and eventual indemnities. This aspect shows how betting on mobile device monitoring technology can make HR’s work more efficient and dynamic. 

Safety and productivity

One of the most interesting results of MDM for HR is the exclusive destination of the device for work. That is, malicious or distracting applications cannot be installed by device users.

This measure is essential for greater care with information security. After all, many hackers take advantage of the installation of software to invade corporate equipment and systems, which considerably increases the possibilities of data theft and leakage.

Criminals are increasingly concentrating on using the use of business mobile devices to conduct digital fraud in the age of the home office. As a result, it is recommended to bet on blocking applications that will not enhance the employee’s services while on the journey.

Team productivity is a benefit of restricting the use of apps as well. It’s a good idea to avoid time-wasting activities during business hours to stay focused on the service and respond to customer requests more quickly and efficiently.

Inventory management

Human Resources considers using the online inventory of mobile devices as one of the most significant benefits when betting on an MDM. As a result, it is possible to check the employees in charge of using the devices in addition to knowing how many devices are now in use.

It is also valid to count on this feature to protect corporate data. If equipment is exchanged, it is possible to delete information that cannot be shared at the moment.

This practice also helps to prevent unauthorized access to business data in the event of theft and robbery. With Mobile Device Management, it is also possible to lock the device in case of loss or theft.

See how to choose the ideal MDM

Verifying if the functions offered are in line with a company’s needs is one of the key decisions to make before investing in a reliable solution to control the use of mobile equipment.

Market leader in Latin America, Pulsus’ MDM has several features that help and enhance the work of HR (control of usage hours, blocking inappropriate apps, online inventory, management of stored data, among others).

Additionally, it is recommended to look for a service provider that prioritizes dialogue and transparency in the provision of services and that offers a high level of support. By doing so, it is possible to utilize the MDM functions in an ideal way. We are providing a Pulsus free trial.

If you are looking for a robust and intuitive tool to improve your company’s Human Resources work, contact us! We are available to answer all your questions and help your business prioritize continuous improvement!

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