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Pulsus and Android Enterprise: a partnership that ensures customer satisfaction

See how Pulsus, one of the ten global EMM solutions with the Android Enterprise Recommended label, raises customer satisfaction by making a difference in business

Playing a crucial role in developing companies that want to advance in the level of maturity in enterprise mobility, Pulsus provides its customers with high-quality technical requirements and performance validated by Google by belonging to the select group of EMMs with the Android Enterprise Recommended seal.

More than a certification that gives credibility and security to the Pulsus platform, the seal is an important mark for customers to recognize an Android Enterprise (AE) partner and know which companies are part of a reliable and high-performance ecosystem.

Through a secure, efficient, and friendly software, Pulsus seeks to create an increasingly strong connection with its customers and partners, including them in the process of development and continuous improvement of the product, refining the user’s experience with the solution.

Knowing that satisfaction with the platform rises as customer needs are met, Pulsus’s partnership with Android Enterprise aims to help overcome the challenges of more critical demands in enterprise mobility, propelling the company towards sustainable growth.

In this post, you will see what Pulsus’ key features elevate customer satisfaction and how having an Android Enterprise Recommended partner makes a difference for a business.

How to overcome challenges and boost your business

With the acceleration of digital transformation in recent years, more than ever, owning efficient management of mobile devices has become a prerequisite for organizations that want to advance their business.

With a series of benefits to increase team productivity and process efficiency, Pulsus’ EMM associated with AE guarantees performance and savings that can travel far beyond IT operations.

Among the main advantages, we can highlight:

  • Expressive reduction of data plan expenses
  • Application updating remotely and in batch mode
  • Increased team performance and productivity
  • Enterprise data security and privacy
  • Compliance with the use of mobile devices 

Pulsus’ journey: Flexible solution for all stages of maturity 

With a solution tailored to each phase of the corporate mobility process, Pulsus’ journey provides a disruptive experience for businesses of different sizes, allowing companies of various segments to manage mobile devices efficiently and securely. 

Once again innovating in the technology market, Pulsus launches its enterprise mobility journey, consisting of 6 stages:

  • Mobile device rollout 
  • Online inventory control
  • Complete device management 
  • Data security and privacy 
  • Advanced customizable features
  • Intelligent analytics for decision making

Thus, focused on delivering the ideal solution for each phase of the mobility journey, aiming the business growth, Pulsus offers a consultative service, understanding the customer’s needs and offering the right resources to overcome problems.

With excellent support, throughout 2022, the Pulsus mobile device manager operated for more than 8,700h. and was offline for only two hours, meaning that the SLA of the platform is 99.99%. Connoting Pulsus’ availability to customers is much higher than large commercial institutions.

Why does working with an Android Enterprise Recommended solution make a difference?

Delivering outstanding results in operations involving enterprise mobile devices, Android Enterprise coupled with a high-performance EMM solution like Pulsus increases productivity at work, generating more business value.

According to Gartner, one of the key technology trends in 2023 is Applied Observation (OA), which the consultancy conceptualizes as “the applied use of observable data in a highly orchestrated and integrated approach across business functions, applications, and infrastructure and operations teams.” 

OA enables organizations to use their data artifacts for competitive advantage. When strategically planned and successfully executed, applied observation presents an advanced approach to data-driven decision-making.

By 2026, Gartner expects that 70% of organizations that successfully apply observation will achieve lower latency for decision-making, enabling competitive advantage for targeted IT or business processes.

For the North American consulting company, “the future no longer belongs to prediction, but to preparation. That is, companies ready to capture data and use it intelligently will be able to satisfy their clients faster and more precisely.

In this wake of innovation, enterprise mobility management helps companies achieve real-time answers. And in today’s times, we can say that the speed of response is proportional to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

So driving faster, better, and more consistent business decisions is critical to success. And Pulsus EMM’s partnership with Android Enterprise provides more than a forecast; it provides a source for evidence-based decision-making.

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