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The data-driven mindset in IT through mobile device management

The management of corporate smartphones and tablets is one IT strategy that can embrace the data-driven mindset. Learn how valuing mobile data gathering and analysis may boost productivity at your business and simplify device management.

Data-driven mindset and mobile device management

The data-driven culture is essential for companies that want to invest in corporate digital transformation. Using various strategies and tools, such as big data and business intelligence, a corporation can optimize its tasks, facilitate activities and, achieve better results.

Of course, this also applies to the management of corporate mobile devices. Like other tools and equipment a business uses, smartphones and tablets retain and generate data that may be analyzed and converted into reliable information.

When managing the company’s mobile devices, a data-driven mindset makes it possible to identify more productive usage patterns, evaluate internet package consumption, determine the best models and brands, and discover the most popular apps, among other insights.

Using this information, your company can build an even more robust and efficient enterprise mobility strategy that maximizes the benefits of devices while also making them easier to manage.

Learn more: IT support tooltips.

Incorporate data-driven and MDM

It can be challenging to implement the data-driven attitude in IT for mobile device management while understanding how to accomplish it. This can be done through the company’s own technology sector, though it often takes more time and effort and calls for a strong infrastructure.

However, using a mobile device manager (MDM) makes this operation much quicker and easier. In the case of the Pulsus tool, for instance, not only the device administration is done massively, remotely, and online, but also the collection of performance data from smartphones and tablets.

Some information that can be analyzed:

  • data consumption;
  • used installed apps;
  • available storage capacity;
  • operational system;
  • location and travel history;
  • outgoing and incoming calls

In possession of information like this and with a data-driven mindset, your company can evaluate various pieces of information that support more assertive decisions. In addition, this practice can be automated by exporting reports through Pulsus’s MDM.

Learn more: tools for IT professionals.

Want to know how IT can incorporate a data-driven mindset into corporate mobile device management? Then start the free trial of Pulsus MDM, with all the features and no limit on registered devices. If you prefer, talk to one of our experts.

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