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How to increase productivity and reduce costs in enterprise MOBILITY with Pulsus?

Learn how an efficient mobile device management solution can increase productivity and reduce costs

With the acceleration of digital transformation in recent years and the advance of online products and services, it is rare to find companies that do not work with devices in their operations today.

Mobile devices deliver versatility and convenience to the processes, ensuring agility and assertiveness of the processes in all stages of the sales cycle.

However, corporate mobile devices can also present challenges concerning employee productivity, efficiency, or even efficient information security risk management.

Facing this scenario, many organizations ask themselves: what is the solution?

In this post, Vinícius Boemeke, CEO and founder of Pulsus, the first and only solution in Latin America to win the Android Enterprise Recommended seal from Google in the EMM category, shares his experiences and lessons learned in Corporate Mobility projects with large companies in Brazil and Latin America.

Check it out!

Cost reduction is a priority for a business

It is unanimous in the corporate world that technology has the potential to make a difference in business results, directly impacting productivity and cost reduction.

In what way?

  • Facilitating access to new resources
  • Enabling cost reduction
  • Increasing the teams’ productivity

Using state-of-the-art technology, Pulsus’ mobile device manager

  • Performs and maintains up-to-date device inventory
  • Provides greater control and detailing of usage
  • Reduces IT support demand by up to 90% Online Inventory

According to Vinícius Boemeke, an expert in corporate mobility who has worked for over ten years in mobility management projects in some of the largest companies in Brazil, the challenge of inventory control is one of the main factors that make companies look at mobility more strategically.

Companies first want to know “Where is a certain mobile device and with whom is it,” especially in organizations that operate with more than 100 devices. For example, the device is often in the name of an employee who has already left the company. From this point on, companies begin to seek solutions that enable an online inventory, not only to have a more outstanding organization but also to see if the devices are communicating and to monitor their usage, allowing software control in real time, performing proactive management, avoiding unnecessary investment in the purchase or exchange of instruments.

Mobile Data Plan

Another way to reduce the costs of a mobility project, according to Boemeke, is by controlling the data plan.

When the company has no control over its mobile data, it needs an unlimited data plan or a very high data allowance to ensure that the operation doesn’t stop due to the lack of this service. A solution that allows the control of all items consumed and how much data each application spends makes it possible to avoid unnecessary consumption and analyze the best plan for the company, using this investment strategically.

Reduced demand for IT support

And when we talk about this item, we refer to onerous costs for the IT team and the field operation.

The first is by allowing remote access to IT professionals for updates and repairs, and the second is by avoiding unnecessary travel.

Thus, with an efficient mobile device manager, it is possible to solve the demand in a much faster and more economical way, offering fluidity to the operational processes of field workers and preventing the IT team from spending too much time with manual activities and dedicating more time to strategic tasks within the technology sector.

Increasing productivity through efficient handset management

From carrier coverage analysis to call management, here are the main challenges that a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution can help, directly impacting logistics operations’ productivity.

Carrier Coverage Analysis

With this data, the company begins to choose the best carrier for each region in which it operates and can choose to obtain information in real-time. In addition, if there is a connectivity problem, through the coverage analysis, the manager knows exactly at which point he can reestablish the accesses to guarantee that the professional will be back in operation in the shortest time possible.

Personal vs. corporate devices

By making devices available to professionals, the company can completely manage the device and the entire mobile ecosystem, thus offering a much better user experience. However, when employees bring their mobile devices to work, the company no longer controls the equipment. As a result, security vulnerabilities can appear, causing the operation to be compromised. Of course, in some scenarios, there are gains for the company when the employee uses his device for work, including user satisfaction. Still, Boemeke believes critical operations, such as many logistics operations, may need to pay off.

Manual mode (standard) vs. KME/Zero Touch

The installation of mobile devices in a manual way is the standard today in Brazil; that is, in most companies that work with mobility, IT receives the devices, configures them one by one, and sends them to collaborators. However, there are already technologies, still not widespread in the country, that, if used, could bring a productivity gain to operations, such as installation via KME or Zero Touch, in which IT remotely configures the platform, and the devices are delivered to the collaborators for use. With these technologies, the company ensures more security, agility, and optimization of time and money.

Call management

Besides checking the numbers dialed and received through the managed corporate mobile devices, an MDM solution can restrict the number of calls and block calls to specific phone numbers or even the reception, according to the company’s policy. This solution generates savings for the company by preventing unnecessary calls to the operation and avoids risks by blocking incoming calls while a vehicle is in transit. Furthermore, through analyses of the device’s usage behavior, it is also possible to verify, for example, which points of sale did not receive any calls and what time the delivery person was most successful in calling customers. Analyzing this behavior adds much value to the operation, increasing productivity since it optimizes the professional’s time and effort.

Best practices for risk reduction and LGPD compliance

Management solutions help identify malware and other vulnerabilities that put not only business data at risk but also sensitive personal information.

With an MDM, such as the one from Pulsus, it is possible to accomplish this efficiently:

Remote app management

  • Application curation by the technology team (installing and uninstalling applications that the company considers safe and relevant to the operation).
  • Deny access to inappropriate apps and content for corporate purposes (blocking and restricting apps or documents that are unnecessary or can bring risks to business data, such as malicious apps).

Terms of Use and Adaptation to LGPD

  • Transparency: Alignment of the responsibility policy between company and user, though a specific data policy, of responsibility over the asset.
  • Security: Ability to act in case of problems and compliance assurance.
  • Prevention: Configuring the policy and data management related to the device, preventing corporate information leakage.

Driver Mode

One of the most used functionalities by Pulsus customers, Driver Mode, is, above all, a company’s measure with the employee and the society that works by allowing the company to select which applications can work at a certain speed which will block above a specific rate. The consequence is the reduction of life risk, mainly of fines, lawsuits, and costs of repairing material damage, among others.

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