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See how Pulsus, one of the ten global EMM solutions with the Android Enterprise Recommended label, raises customer satisfaction by making a difference in business Playing a crucial role in developing companies that want to advance in the level of maturity in enterprise mobility, Pulsus provides its customers with high-quality technical requirements and performance validated by Google by belonging to the select group of EMMs with the Android Enterprise Recommended seal. More than a certification that gives credibility and security to the Pulsus platform, the seal is an important mark for customers to recognize an Android Enterprise (AE) partner and know which...

Learn how Pulsus' Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution helps companies in the digital transformation process and increases business maturity The corporate mobility has long been part of the strategies of large global companies. However, with the acceleration of the digital transformation, due to the evolution of the market itself, the new technologies began to drive business growth.  Organizations began to invest in technological trends and adopt automation tools to enhance productivity and assertiveness in decision-making. And, the expectation is that business mobility will gain increased strength. Today, accelerating digital transformation has become a real possibility for increased revenue and strengthened corporate resilience, which...

See how an efficient Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) can accelerate your company’s digital transformation and raise the business’ maturity The strategy of numerous global organizations to keep the competition is accelerating the digital transformation to increase revenue and be ready to capture market value even when the future is unclear. It’s known that technology is an essential piece to success. But what is the ideal solution to each business model, and when and how should technological tools be used to boost strategy? If the future isn’t to predict and to prepare tools that suggest a shift from reactive to proactive, generate competitive advantages....

*By Vinícius Boemeke Google is always surprising. Those who participated in the 2022 edition of the Mobile World Congress should remember that last year we were impacted by a hall of experiences from the technology giant showing not only punctual functionalities of its new devices and operating systems, but also the integration among them for a better usability.  This movement was also marked by important changes in the market, such as the fact that Samsung changed the operating system of smartwatches in the Galaxy line from a proprietary OS to use Google's version - Wear OS.  What practical effects does this change have for...

*By Vinícius Boemeke Between February 27th and March 2nd, the city of Barcelona, Spain, will host the main connectivity event on the planet. Mobile World Congress 2023 promises to bring together more than 80,000 participants from hundreds of countries. It is a great opportunity to connect with ideas and projects from the most renowned exhibitors and companies in the field.  This year's edition will address several topics, focusing not only on mobile technology players, but beyond: one of the highlights is the acceleration of 5G. To get an idea of the Brazilian reality, last year we had not yet connected to this...

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